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Join the "Christmas bird count" to be held in #CuencaBetterThanEver

Christmas bird count began in the early 1900s, for several years before this trend, in the United States, it was common “The Christmas Hunt”, this consisted in groups of people go hunting, and who at the end of the day brought the most birds or animals, won the jackpot.

Some sectors of American society were concerned about the continued decline in the population of animals, especially birds, which year after year could be evidenced, for this reason, Audobon Society proposed to change this tradition for a bird count, so it began with 25 groups of birdwatchers in Canada and the United States, which together started the first bird list of a Christmas count.

Since that day counts are made several times a year, being the most important the Christmas count and this initiative has expanded throughout the world. Currently, the count is using technology to obtain almost real-time statistics, the number of birds registered per place, migratory species and the state of health of the bird population.

Ebird platform, which can be downloaded as an App to mobile phones, or monitored online, allows you to obtain several interesting facts about the state of birds in the world

Bird count in Ecuador

Mindo was the first place where this activity was carried out in Ecuador back in the year of 1996, currently the only urban place where it has been done is Quito. This year Cuenca joins this movement to create awareness in society about nature, through active involvement in a recreational and scientific activity.

The meeting will take place this Sunday, December 22, starting in the Plazoleta del Otorongo at 07:00 and will conclude in the Parque del Paraíso.

Tourism professionals, universities, birdwatchers and public in general are summoned.

Recommendations for the activity:

- Download the Ebird app.

- Bring binoculars.

- Wear dark clothes (avoid bright colors).

- Wear a cap or hat.

- Use sunscreen.

- Bring water and energy bars.


The Mayor's Office of Cuenca through the Tourism Foundation for Cuenca and the Corporation of Guides and Tourism Professionals of the Austro.

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