Culture and heritage
We Cuencans are the result of a syncretism of Cañari, Inca and Spanish cultures, which is reflected in the beauty of our Cuenca nights, popular dances, town bands, clothing, cantadito dialect, popular tales and sayings, museums, churches, convents and monuments, which make this city a Cultural Heritage of Humanity, a unique destination to visit any day of the year.
The Historic Center is the greatest emblem of Cuenca. Its central square and its many heritage houses in a classic, French style, with flowery balconies and large windows make it unique. Added to this beauty are its two cathedrals, the Old one now converted into a Museum and the New one with its large rose window, altar bathed in gold leaf, catacombs and 150 spiral steps that take you to its terrace to have one of the best panoramic views of the city.
The best moments of the year!
Thursday of Compadres y Comadres : it is the proclamation party of the largest carnival in the country, where the delivery of a flowery patent leather with the sugar bus, is the symbol of compadrazgo to the priostes who will preside over the celebration that year. Between February and March, hundreds of people attend the festival in a large part of the city, to enjoy popular music and dances, and traditional elements such as papel picado, cornstarch and florida water are used to brighten up the carnival game.
Easter : March is a very special month for all Cuencanos, where family traditions such as the preparation of the fanesca with fish and the twelve grains and then the novenas, are the basis of this religious celebration. Added to this are the traditional masses in the city's main cathedral and a visit to the 7 churches in the Historic Center.
Corpus Christi: it is considered "the sweetest party in Ecuador". Every June a hundred vendors fill the gates of Calderón Park with color, smell and flavor, where for seven consecutive days, locals and foreigners enjoy a great variety of sweets and delicacies to the sound of the music of the village band, chola cuencana and the lights of the castles and mad cow. Masses and honors to the Blessed Sacrament are celebrated in the cathedral.
Morenica del Rosario: every December 7, the square of Santa Domingo, the corridors of the central church, portals and streets around, are adorned with thousands of lit lanterns, a unique tradition in Cuenca in honor of the “Virgin Queen of Basin". Attendees and families in general, participate in the inaugural Eucharist, serenade and lighting their own lantern.
Pass of the Traveler Child: every December 24 Bolívar Street becomes the 5th river of Cuenca, product of the great tide of faithful who walk in the same direction, dancing, singing and praising the image of the Traveler Child. During the grand pass, families, friends, schools, universities, neighborhood groups and foreigners parade wearing elegant suits and giving candies to the participants. Bread and chicha are never lacking.